Power Tongues International

A prayer group like no other

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Power Tongues notes 3/6/2011

“Speak, for Your servant is listening” (1Sam 3:10) session

Every month on the first Sunday evening a group of men and women gather at
my home in Northern California for what we call a Power Tongues Work Group.
We open in prayer, receive an anointing with blessed oil and begin praying in
tongues. We continue in tongues until the Lord stops us, which usually is
20-30 minutes. We then share the thoughts and images the Lord brings to our
hearts, and pray for those issues. Then we close by praying briefly over one
another, left and right, and return it all to the Lord. Beginning this month
I am going to send out the notes to the larger community in order that more
people will know what we are doing, and encourage more 1 Sam 3:10 groups
to form. Here are the notes from March 2011. God bless, Linda Schubert

March 2011 listening

Power Tongues notes 3/6/11

Linda S - the Lord is calling us to a secret place to see if there is any part in our lives where we are relying on the natural sources for healing instead of the power of God. Repentance called for. Felt the Lord was calling us to share the words from this meeting with the larger body of Christ, to encourage others to gather, pray, and listen to the Lord, and pray the words that came forth.

Colleen – Saw a place full of trees, like forest, dark. Angels came to forest, lit fires in different places, 12 fires, Jesus came to each fire, many people began to appear and came to their own fire, Jesus appeared to each one, wanted to feed himself to each person like he prepared the fish when he had it on the fire for breakfast. The only light was the fire, it was illuminating each person. Into the assembly came children who wanted to mature. When Jesus was sitting by the fire, it was His flesh He was preparing, not symbolic. Saw desert with oasis, garden of edible things that were being fed the living water. At end saw the Lord gathering and saying “I’m! washing all things clean”, gathering all things like a sea, all things of each country, pulling the Spirit to Himself. Confirm Rod’s word of trust, we must trust Him, to give up things we’re comfortable with; to be willing to die to how we’ve done things, how we lean on habits, we might be excluding him without even knowing it by leaning on our habits, he wants us to be willing to give them up. And be attentive to our thinking, abandon our little prejudices, he’s going to bring to us new people and he wants us to be open to them.

Betty: Praying for each person, like the dry bones, going to put flesh on the dry bones, could see little fires all over the world, saying all over the world they are coming to being because people are coming into what they are supposed to be by the blood of the martyrs. Saw fires of the Holy Spirit all over the world. They will grow as we are obedient to all He calls us to even in suffering. They will grow until they become one holy flame in the new Jerusalem encapsulated in the heart of Jesus.

Tee: Saw arrows coming at each of our hearts, piercing our hearts, praying that we would be able to withstand the arrows, realized they were not something bad, it was the Lord piercing our hearts, giving us openings to release what needed to come out. Prayed that we would have piercings all over, but he said no that we needed to push it out, to be part of the process of pushing it out. What came out of us first was blood and water, then became just water, became purer and purer. When it was oozing out, openings were triangles. It was from our body, soul, and spirit – all three aspects need to be purified.

Gran - We hear all the voices out there, confusing voices, so many voices, not speaking in His name, but His people will know His own voice. Matured into the message that He is calling His church to prepare for a new Pentecost. With unending litanies in preparation, the babble in the churches will change into one voice of Christ. He said, my church prepare for a new Pentecost. The way they prepared is by going to Mary, not like the Lord going into desert. It’s preparation time. Persevere in prayer, go back to the upper room.

Linda M: forgive those who have hurt us, give us grace to forgive. Pray to take advantage of the graces of Lenten season, to be purified.

Barbara: Kept hearing repentance, not relying on Lord enough, saw big circles over US. Big circles were where prayer was not going up, many of them in Midwest. He said my people are so busy they are not relying on me. Then saw the White House and the white was pealing off, then saw slaves crying out for prayer (don’t understand the slaves part). Message is that we are not praying enough, specifically for our president and our Holy Father, protection for him.
Betty confirmed that this morning she received at Mass to pray for Holy Father. Need more prayer and less criticism.

Frank: The new Pentecost will be different because it will be man’s heart crying out for the Lord, in repentance, from a repentant group crying out for God, thirsting for him. It will start with man’s heart converting. Place the watchmen in their place right now, so my church will hear one voice, the Lamb of God. They will be repentant. Believe only in what is not seen, to walk in faith. Do not trust in everything we see, or in grandstanding. Believe only in Jesus. Know him; know his word. Watchmen go to your posts, listen, be attentive, listen to your church, attend to your ! role, you know what it is. Be good servants. Your role will be splendor; others will rise up and be your prayer warrior, your guard. The Lord is raising up a royal army. He says, “I am plugging every hole in the wall. My blood will cover the whole church, align your heart with Mary”.

Bob M – continue to pray for Governor Brown of California

Rod – need to continuously prepare ourselves. It’s hard work, there’s labor involved, abandonment of things we’re used to, new skin. We’re called to be models of this faith he has given us.

IN CLOSING – we prayed for the issues that came forth, and we returned it all to the Lord in thanksgiving. Then we prayed the prayers of the church; the Our Father, Glory Be, the Hail Mary, the prayer to St. Michael. Then we stood in a circle and prayed for the one on our right, and the one on our left. Amen.

[Finally: If you don't understand the experience or process of tongues, listening to the Lord, speaking what you believe is from him, etc., we can explore that further. Let me know.]