Power Tongues International

A prayer group like no other

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Power Tongues notes October 2, 2016

Home team

Linda S – The Lord was addressing fear in the body of Christ, reminding us "There is no fear in love for perfect love casts out fear " 1 Jn 4:18. I had an image of children in a bright sunny flower filled meadow. They were praising and there were angels around. The forest surrounding them was dark and foreboding, with negative spirits lurking. But the children were safe.

Mike – Use the gifts. He chose us, He has gifts available to us, to be used. Not all the battles have been won yet but He reminds us that He is with us, erasing fear. He says, "I love you dearly and protect you from harm." The Father loves you and understands the future. Reach out to others with the strength the Lord gives you.

Barbara- I heard, "My people need to know the power of the weapons I have given them: Eucharist, tongues, rosary." The Lord also said we are to expose the enemy. Hosea reminds us, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." We need to understand spiritual warfare, and teach about protection. Parents must protect their children.

Rod – Christians are in many stages. Some strong, some hot, some cold, some new Christians, babies in Christ. Therefore need to fortify ourselves in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially wisdom, knowledge and discernment, and use these gifts that we have been given to teach and correct and confirm in Christ.

Mary Ellen – The message is forgiving, forgive through us, grace to forgive those being persecuted in near east as well as our families where there is unforgiveness. We can’t do it in our own strength, but God wants to forgive through us, to be his instruments of forgiveness. God enables us to forgive only entirely in the power of His Spirit.

Adrienne – I saw huge dark stuffed cloud coming across east to west. The Lord said "I am not asleep." I could see the scripture reading when he was sleeping in the sea and apostles were frightened. Then when Rod in our group prayed, it cleared up and went away.

Xenia – We need to be praying for our children and grandchildren, and place blood of Jesus on them morning and night. And in places of problems. Put the blood of Jesus over ourselves and our cars when we go out also. We must be aware of the times we are in.

Celine – Pray and ask St Michael to clean our houses. And then our homes will be a haven.

Linda M – Just about asking the Lord if we are prepared for emergency. An eye opener for all of us.

Ingrid: Fear, fear, fear. Do not be afraid of the truth; the truth will set you free; do not dwell on the lies of the government. Instead dwell on God's words and promises. It will set you free. He says, "When you are free my love is flowing through you like a river of light."

Bob – In this time of violence, turmoil and strife, do not lose your focus. Keep your eyes on Jesus and do not be distracted.

Candida – Heard the music group Bejees and heard the words at beginning when they say, 'How deep is your love?' Sensed the Lord saying, "I really need to know the depth of your love. It will determine your empowerment. With my love nothing is impossible. The timber of your love will determine your future."

PTI Partners
Michelle - South Carolina - My Child How far have you come in your walk with Me? Do you not see that you need Me in the midst of all the trials and tribulations that are evolving in the world? Stand tall in your faith and do not sway to the left or to the right but stay upright in the path of the one who saved you from the evilness that begets the world. Notice that I am always with you, but you must avail yourself to Me and then you shall see My face and hear My voice and be led by the light of my divine power. Share My light so that others see and can be led home to their Father. They need to leave behind the storms and perils of their life and follow and trust in Me. Do not only stand and shine but also instruct and teach for days shall come when it will be only My words that will sustain you and give you peace. Open my word and share it with others so that they too can see me and know me and love me. Be bold and share My word! (Then Psalm 32.)

Madeleine - London UK - Remember my child that I am always there for you, run to me and I will hold you close to my heart!

Pat - Staten Island - For you know I have plans for you. You trust me with all your heart, so why do you worry about what lies ahead. Am I not in the midst of what is going on all around you. I am in your coming and going, what you see and what you do not see. I will see you and yours through all that is happening. Do not allow fear to penetrate your mind. My peace I give you. Know My peace. Share My peace. Do not hesitate, I call you to spread My Word to all you see. Reach out, now is the time to go forth. John 14: 25 - 31: "These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper , the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name. He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You have heard me you, "I am going away and coming back to you. ' if you loved Me , you would rejoice because I said I'm going to the Father for the Father is greater than I . And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass , you may believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. But the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do. Arise, let us go from here."

Prayer: Lord we thank You for these words. That which we have spoken, that is from your heart, let it produce much fruit, as we grow in the grace and knowledge of Your love.

Next PTI session is November 6

Love and prayers, Linda Schubert and home team
