Power Tongues International

A prayer group like no other

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Power Tongues notes for April 3, 2016

Home Team

Linda - When we started praying, I was filled with scriptures, “let the word of God.. dwell in you richly… “be strong in the Lord’. “Be still and know I am God. “Listen to my voice”. Pray Pray Pray. As I was doing this, I was being strengthened.

Barbara - Lord immediately told me, “Give me your cares, give me your concerns, put everything into my heart. Leave your concerns in my heart. I am the resurrection. I am your life. My sense was, all the promises we know, that we’ve heard, we're not taking seriously. Were doing much of our lives without him.

Maryellen - Abba Father. “Make your requests known, with thanksgiving. Saw the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. “Theme was, 'You asked, now thank Me that I will give what you ask'.

Mike - We need to practice more patience. He is listening and loving more and more each day. Trust that all we pray for, He is offering up to the Father, interceding for us, He will never abandon us. Reach out, don’t be discouraged. I am with you always.

Celine - To have faith and trust in the Lord. To be obedient to His commandments. To be humble to be able to accept His forgiveness.

Betty - Saw large blue egg. Several large eggs, and small eggs around. Symbol of new life. Saw baby trying to peck through. Small eggs were our children and grandchildren. And we want to break open the egg and help, but they must struggle. And saw the butterfly in the chrysolis stage, it’s hard to wait. He can see us struggling, and knows what it takes to break out of it. “I struggled in the garden, struggled on the cross, and the weight on the cross, but open the heavens, creating new life for everyone. So I understand what you’re going through. But through the struggle I am making your soul beautiful. And am strengthening you for the journey. Making all those you pray for beautiful for the Kingdom.

Theresa - “Keep your eyes on me. I am your stability and I am the straight unchanging path." Saw Jesus pulling us up a cliff toward the top of the cliff, by ropes, and we were hanging on to the ropes. He realized we couldn’t hold on. He wrapped the ropes around us gently. We could let go, as he pulled us up by his strength.


Maria Ester from Chile - When beginning the prayer, I asked the Lord to give me more of the gift of tongues and other charisms. This time, prayer in tongues was more prolonged and sustained over time. At one point, during prayer, the Holy Spirit brings me to the text of Mark 5:34, "Daughter your faith has saved you." Focus on the needs of women who are suffering from pain, injury, disease, bondage, slavery, lack of faith, etc. The Lord pities them and loves them. Our Lord Jesus is moved with so many of us who we have prostrated at his feet imploring and has taken into account our testimony about His action in our lives.
In Mark 5:41 He shows me the daughter of Jairus. The Lord asks me to intercede for adolescents who suffer from various forms of choice of death and manifested in anorexia, suicide attempts, drugs, etc. The Lord says: "Girl, I say to you, get up!"
In Mark 5.28, the woman suffering hemorrhages. The woman thought: "I only touch his garment I shall be cured." The Lord leads me to intercede for women with gynecological diseases (cancer or living victims of abortions) who are exhausted, hopeless and alone, seeking relief of our Lord Jesus. He tells them: your faith has made you go in peace and be healed.
In Mark 6:18, you are not allowed to have your brother's wife ... the Lord calls me to intercede for women living in adultery to have a comfortable and financially set for life, exposing their daughters to repeat the same sin.
In Mark 6.22, the daughter of Herodias came in, danced and enjoyed ... the Lord leads me to intercede for young women misguided by their mothers or mother to be shown as sexual objects, violating decency and dignity female figures, prostituting.
In Mark 7.25, the woman whose daughter was in the hands of an evil spirit ... .was to kneel at his feet ... The Lord asks me to intercede for the pagan mothers who pray to our Lord Jesus for deliverance knowing only away because of hidden or esoteric or culturally unchristian practices, oppressed who suffer for their daughters.
And in Mark 7:30, The woman got home she found the girl ... the Lord asks me intercede for abused girls, who have been consecrated to the devil.
The Holy Spirit tells me: Ephphatha, and I answer yes sir!, open my ears and touch my tongue to prepare to better serve as your will.
I understand that in Mark 6 where the multiplication of loaves and fishes ago, the Lord still blesses, distributed shares in our lives and need mine, which has given me, I have to make, because it is enough as it will do everything the rest.
He seeks the hurt, needy and sick of all kinds in all places, towns or villages to alleviate ... and all who touched him were healed ... Mark 6.56

Anita from Chile - I see a girl's room, the bed is next to a window overlooking a garden, everything is decorated with love, light, peace, beauty. I feel in my heart that this is the home of families for whom we have prayed. I perceive that everything in this house has been touched by the presence of the Lord, that the Lord has rescued that family, the light shone in darkness and they received (John 1.5). Children are blessed and welcomed with love, they can live in peace and joy. (1 Peter 1:18). This is the work of God in the restoration of a family that have opened the doors and that’s what he always wanted for everyone. I listen: There eternal joy in His presence. I see green hills where Jesus is the good shepherd, I hear he calls his sheep and Jesus said: Feed my sheep. (1 Peter 5.2 to 4) The Virgin Mary and angels are with us. Tobit 12: 15-22 I am Raphael .... as it had appeared to them an angel of God. I heard: The God of heaven is on earth. Zechariah 14: 5b-9 will come to the Lord my God, and all the saints with him ....
Titus 2: 4-11, duties of the faithful. There is a call to keep watch with Christ. I see people hiding, enclosed in places darkened by fear, self-condemnation, feelings of unworthiness that dare not leave their shelter, intercede for them and tell the Lord, I come to you, go to your light, I trust in You I do not restrain me. I do not condemn, I accept your mercy and your forgiveness Lord.
Daniel 2: 20-23 Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Matthew 18.18 to 20 bind and loose, and prayer in common.
I praise and bless you, Lord, for all your mercy. In short, the call is "constantly raise all kinds of prayers and supplications, animated by the Spirit. Engage yourself with tireless advocate for all brothers "Ephesians 6:18, praise and bless the Lord, feed the flock, watch with Christ, we have the Lord's help, our Mother and the angels perseverance, using the authority that the Lord Jesus he has given us; two or more praying and proclaiming his word.Matthew 18.18 to 20. Thank you Sir!
En Español:

María Ester
Al comenzar la oración, le pedí al Señor que me diera el don de lenguas y también otros carismas.
En esta oportunidad, la oración en lenguas fue más prolongada y sostenida en el tiempo.
En un momento, durante la oración, el Espíritu Santo me lleva al texto de Marcos 5,34, “hija tu fe te ha salvado”. El Señor me anuncia que se centrará en las necesidades de mujeres que están sufriendo por dolores, heridas, enfermedades, ataduras, esclavitudes, faltas de fe, etc. El Señor se compadece de ellas y las ama. Nuestro Señor Jesús se conmueve con tantas de nosotras quienes nos hemos postrado a sus pies suplicantes y ha tenido muy en cuenta nuestro testimonio sobre Su acción en nuestras vidas.
En Marcos 5,41 me muestra la hija de Jairo. El Señor me pide interceder por las adolescentes que sufren por distintas formas de opción de muerte y que se manifiestan en anorexias, intentos de suicidios, drogas, etc. El Señor les dice: “¡niña, a ti te digo, levántate!”
En Marcos 5,28, la mujer que sufría hemorragias. La mujer pensaba: “Con sólo tocar su manto quedaré curada". El Señor me lleva a interceder por mujeres con enfermedades ginecológicas (viviendo un cáncer o victimas de abortos) que están agotadas, sin esperanzas y solas, buscando socorro de Nuestro Señor Jesús. El les dice: tu fe te ha salvado vete en paz y queda sana.
En Marcos 6,18, no te está permitido tener a la mujer de tu hermano…el Señor me llama a interceder por mujeres viviendo en adulterio para tener una vida cómoda y económicamente resuelta, exponiendo a sus hijas a repetir el mismo pecado.
En Marcos 6,22, entró la hija de Herodías, bailó y gustó mucho… el Señor me lleva a interceder por jóvenes mujeres mal aconsejadas por sus madres o figuras maternas para exhibirse como objetos sexuales, atentando contra el pudor y la dignidad femenina, prostituyéndose.
En Marcos 7,25, la mujer sirofenicia, una mujer cuya hija estaba en poder de un mal espíritu….fue a arrodillarse a sus pies… El señor me pide interceder por las madres paganas que suplican a Nuestro Señor Jesús por liberación conociéndolo solo de lejos a causa de prácticas ocultas o esotéricas o culturalmente no cristianas, quienes sufren por sus hijas oprimidas.
Y en Marcos 7, 30, la mujer llegó a su casa encontró a la niña… el Señor me pide interceder por las niñas abusadas, quienes han sido consagradas al demonio.
El Espíritu Santo me dice: Effatá, y yo le contesto ¡si Señor!, ábreme los oídos y toca mi lengua para disponerme a servir mejor según tu voluntad.
Comprendo que en Marcos 6 donde hace la multiplicación de panes y peces, El Señor aún bendice, reparte, comparte en nuestras vidas y necesita lo mío, lo que me ha dado, lo que tengo para aportar, porque es suficiente ya que El hará todo lo demás.
El busca a los dolidos, necesitados y enfermos de todo tipo en TODOS los lugares, pueblos o aldeas para aliviarlos…y todos los que lo tocaban quedaban sanos… Marcos 6,56

La oración comienza con mucha alegría, deleite.
Veo la habitación de una niña, la cama está junto a una ventana con vista a un jardín, todo está decorado con amor, luz, paz, belleza.
Siento en mi corazón que este es el hogar de las familias por quienes nosotras hemos orado. Percibo que todo en esa casa ha sido tocado por la presencia del Señor, que El Señor ha rescatado a esa familia, la luz brilló en las tinieblas y ellos la recibieron (Juan 1,5). Los niños son bendecidos y acogidos con amor, pueden vivir en paz y alegría. (1 Pedro, 1,18). Esta es la obra de restauración de Dios en las familias en las que le han abierto las puertas y es lo que El siempre quiso para todos.
Escucho: Hay alegría eterna en Su presencia.
Veo unas colinas verdes en donde está Jesús el buen pastor, escucho que él llama a sus ovejas y Jesús dice: apacienta a mi rebaño. (1 Pedro 5,2-4)
La Virgen María y los ángeles nos acompañan.
Tobías 12, 15-22 Yo soy Rafael…. ya que se les había aparecido un ángel de Dios.
Escuché: El Dios del cielo, está en la tierra.
Zacarías 14, 5b-9 Y vendrá el Señor, mi Dios, y todos los santos con él….
Tito 2, 4-11, deberes de los fieles.
Hay un llamado a que velemos con Cristo.
Veo personas escondidas, encerradas en lugares en penumbras, por temor, auto condenación, sentimiento de indignidad que no se atreven a salir de su refugio, intercedo por ellas y le digo al Señor: Voy hacia Ti, voy a Tu luz, confío en Ti, no me reprimo. No me condeno, acepto tu Misericordia, y tu perdón Señor.
Daniel 2, 20-23 Daniel bendice al Dios del cielo.
Mateo 18,18-20 Atar y desatar, y la oración en común.
Te alabo y te bendigo, Señor por toda tu misericordia.
En resumen, el llamado es: “Eleven constantemente toda clase de oraciones y súplicas, animados por el Espíritu. Dedíquense con perseverancia incansable a interceder por todos los hermanos” Efesios 6,18, alabar y bendecir al Señor, apacentar el rebaño, velar con Cristo, contamos con la ayuda del Señor, nuestra Madre y los ángeles, usando la autoridad que El Señor Jesús nos ha dado; orando dos o más y proclamando su palabra. Mateo 18,18-20.
¡Gracias, Señor!

Michelle (Fayetteville NC) Open your eyes and discern in your heart the words I give to you. The time is come for grace and peace and happiness to pursue. Be not afraid of the things you fear but always seek me and find the love and peace that comes from knowing that you are not left behind.
My graces and blessings abundantly flow if only you shall ask
seek me and find me in all you do and salvation shall be at last
Many are troubled with fears and pains that never seem to subside
But have courage and faith within your heart and My love shall be your guide
Times of trial and feelings of pain cannot be left unsaid
So I am here to heal the heart and rest your weary head
Prepare for times when things you need shall not be here or there
For I will guide and sustain your needs..trust in Me and share
The things that I shall give to you may not be like silver or gold
But most likely are things that will give you hope; things that cannot be bought or sold.
I leave you now with a sense of peace and a longing in your soul
to come to me and then to share my love with those who do not know
Vision of an eagle in the form of an airplane. The front of the plane was the head of the eagle. It kept turning its head as if looking behind at what was or at something that is coming and seemingly had a sense of fear or uncertainty.

Martina - West Virginia - I saw the faithful ones praying with power tongues in the shadow of the Almighty. Jesus blessed each one with the sign of the cross and the glory light shone on us. He blessed the whole world. Message: Precious children, leave all your cares upon Me. I see it all, nothing passes me your Savior. Let the arms of my mercy engulf your sorrow and fill you with eternal joy. You can never comprehend my everlasting love for you. Seek and you will find me in all of your endeavors. Take refuge in me your loving Savior and Lord.

Prayer: Lord Jesus we offer these words to you. Let that which is from you take root and produce fruit, as we learn to grow in the grace and knowledge of your love.

Next session: May 1, 2016.

God bless you. Linda Schubert
